Online Exam

Certified Blockchain Associate

Thank you for joining us for the exam for Certified DeFi Associate workshop. We’re excited to see you apply what you’ve learned and take this important step in validating your skills and knowledge.



Time Limit: You have 45 mins to complete​

Number of Questions: The exam consists of 20 MCQ-type questions

Passing Criteria: A passing score of 65% is required to succeed.​


Certified Blockchain Associate

The number of attempts remaining is 3

Please enter your information below to start the exam.

1 / 20

Which of the following is a limitation of blockchain technology?

2 / 20

Generally, transactions on public blockchains are transparent?

3 / 20

Which of the following is a characteristic of a public blockchain?

4 / 20

Ethereum is an open-sourced platform for decentralized applications.

5 / 20

Blockchains record the transfer and ensures the finality of the transaction?

6 / 20

Gas is used for all transactions on Ethereum.

7 / 20

Blockchain technology is only useful for financial transactions.

8 / 20

Transactions on a blockchain are irreversible.

9 / 20

What is the process of verifying and adding transactions to a blockchain called?

10 / 20

Blockchain is a centralized database system.

11 / 20

Which consensus mechanism is used by Bitcoin blockchain?

12 / 20

From the list below, what is the limitation of smart contracts:

13 / 20

Blockchain can NOT be used for:

14 / 20

Which of the following is an advantage of using blockchain technology?

15 / 20

Smart contracts are written in computer code but not self-executing transactions.

16 / 20

What is the primary purpose of blockchain technology?

17 / 20

What is the main advantage of using a private blockchain over a public blockchain?

18 / 20

Smart contracts are only used in private blockchains.

19 / 20

Which of the following is not a type of blockchain?

20 / 20

A contract agreement in blockchain is represented as a smart contract?

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